Petunjuk Pameran

Program Sarjana Arsitektur Universitas Internasional Batam mengadakan pameran secara virtual untuk kedua kalinya.

Pameran yang bertemakan “COASTAL” ini merupakan bentuk apresiasi terhadap karya-karya mahasiswa Program Sarjana Arsitektur Universitas Internasional Batam.

Tersedia dua versi yang dapat dinikmati sesuai dengan media yang Anda gunakan:

  1. Versi 3D Virtual 360 disarankan bagi pengunjung yang menggunakan Laptop atau PC (bisa dengan Guided Tour atau Manual)
  2. Versi Youtube disarankan bagi pengunjung yang menggunakan smartphone
    Silahkan mengisi form di bawah ini untuk registrasi terlebih dahulu.


Stivani Ayuning Suwarlan, S.T., M.T.

Head of Architecture Study Program Architecture Department Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Universitas Internasional Batam

“Praise the presence of God who had given us brilliant ideas and the ability to express them into inspiring works.

Pen strokes are the form of devotion as the young generations of the nation in order to encourage the younger ones to keep on creating. As the young generation in the millennial era, it is not the time to remain silent with slight achievements. The millennials must continue on creating even with a piece of paper and pen strokes, one at a time and never stopping.

The Architecture major of Universitas Internasional Batam is proud to present the creations of the architecture students from Architecture Design Studio 1 with the single storey house design project.

With full of hope, the creations displayed will give motivation to all from the young generation to always create. Last but not least, let the picture attached within this art will deliver the message itself because a picture will bring thousands of meanings compared to hundred of sayings.”  

Dr. Alpano Priyandes

Co-founder / CEO Ruang Urban Indonesia (RUBI)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua,


Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Salam Kebajikan.

First of all, let us give thanks for the presence of God Almighty, who has given us His grace and guidance so that we can participate in this activity together. RUBI (Ruang Urban Indonesia) would also like to thank UIB and the organizing committee, in particular, for giving us the opportunity to be able to collaborate in this first ARTUTION’s Virtual Archibition “Designing A Single Storey House“.


We do appreciate this exhibition because RUBI (Ruang Urban Indonesia) is also concerned about housing planning in Batam City. Hopefully, through this Virtual Archibition, we can get to know, share and expand our knowledge about the latest design concepts for single storey houses.


We also hope that this kind of activity can be held regularly so that it would benefit the wider community and architecture students, especially those in Batam City. Not to mention community involvement in inclusive development planning process can be achieved as an input to the local government regarding housing planning and design.


Lastly, we hope this activity can run successfully.

Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”